1. (car ‘(blue red yellow)) 2. (cdr ‘(blue red yellow)) 3. (car ‘((1 2) buckle my shoe)) 4. (cdr ‘((1 2) buckle my shoe)) 5. (car ‘(“sunshine”)) 6. (cdr ‘(“sunshine”) 7. (cons ‘espresso (latte cappuccino)) 8. (cons ‘(a b c) ‘(1 2 3)) 9. (cons ‘petunia ()) 10. cadr = car cdr 11. cddr = cdr cdr 12. (nth number list) 13. Break 4 [10]> (setf colors '(red orange yellow)) (RED ORANGE YELLOW) Break 4 [10]> 'colors COLORS Break 4 [10]> (describe 'colors) COLORS is the symbol COLORS, lies in #, is accessible in 1 package COMMON-LISP-USER, a variable, value: (RED ORANGE YELLOW). # is the package named COMMON-LISP-USER. It has 2 nicknames CL-USER, USER. It imports the external symbols of 2 packages COMMON-LISP, EXT and exports no symbols, but no package uses these exports. (RED ORANGE YELLOW) is a list of length 3. Break 4 [10]> (describe colors) (RED ORANGE YELLOW) is a list of length 3. Break 4 [10]> (type-of 'colors) SYMBOL Break 4 [10]> (type-of colors) 14. (car list) 15. (cdr list) 16. (cons atom|list list) 17.(list atom|list atom|list) 18. (append atom|list atom|list)